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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What's the worst thing that can happen

Positive change can be something as simple as changing your customary approach to a typical problem or situation. Is there something you've been doing for a long time because "that's the way it's always been done," even though you haven't been getting a good result from it for ages? Consider letting go of what's familiar or comfortable, and move on to a NEW solution or approach that has a better chance of providing a good result!Or, are you one of those people who worries that if you take time to stop for lunch, you'll be lunch?For you, a positive change can be something as simple as making a few alterations to your personal life. You'd be amazed how much MORE productive you can be if you actually switch things up, and start taking some time off to have a bit of fun!But BEFORE you start throwing out the old and bringing in the new, remember that change -- even small change -- can be a bit scary, unless you've prepared yourself beforehand. Successfully managing change is all about your attitude and expectations. So if you ARE thinking about making some changes to your business to shake things up break away from the same ol', same ol', here are THREE things to consider before you take the plunge... 1. What will it cost NOT to make the change?I'll bet that whenever you consider the possibility of making a change, the first thing you think about is what it's going to cost you to do it. And if you're like a lot of people, that potential extra cost is a deal-breaker. So I'd like to encourage you to turn that around: how much money are you LOSING by sticking with the comfortable or familiar, even though it's no longer really working for you?! !!!!!! 2. What's the WORST thing that could happen?Many people let fear of the unknown stop them from making changes. After all, nobody can really say for SURE that a particular change will be as successful as you think it'll be -- and it could be a downright failure!So before you make your change, ask yourself: what's the worst thing that can happen if the change goes south? Be realistic in your answer! Often, even if things do go off the rails a bit during a change, the net benefit STILL outweighs the short-term problems it presents, and any glitches can usually be a lot more easily managed than you might think........ 3. Who can you count on for help and support?Let's face it: some changes can be scary...If you're prone to feeling worried or stressed out by change, then you'll definitely want people you trust nearby, to "talk you down" when you're feeling anxious about what's happening to your business. Knowing you've got a solid safety net beneath you can make it MUCH easier to commit to implementing your changes. Change can often turn a stagnant business into a more dynamic (and profitable) one, but it can also be a time of uncertainty. By spending a bit of time BEFORE you make any change preparing yourself mentally for that period of instability, you'll successfully manage any change, and enjoy the rewards of an invigorated business!Be Sure to Leave Your Comments!

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